Tag: painting


One of my guilty pleasures is miniature art, which is why I am a committed member of MASSA (Miniature Art Society of South Africa)

The Miniature Art Society of South Africa was founded in 1992 at the instigation of Charmian Kennealy, who had participated in the Miniature Art Exhibitions throughout America and Canada, and Jeff Sochen whose interest in miniaturism was the catalyst needed to help her. The first meeting was held in February 1992.

With miniature art societies, world-wide, reviving the age old artform, it seemed only right that we, in this part of the world, should have a like-minded band of artists promoting and pursuing it. For many artists the more disciplined and detailed approach of miniature art was a welcome change from the predominantly large and freer paintings in fashion today.

The Society has some 65 members throughout South Africa. It has held successful exhibitions in all the main centres of South Africa. We are affiliated to the World Federation of Miniaturists and have participated successfully in four world exhibitions where our work was highly acclaimed. We keep in touch with the ten other recognised societies in the world through the exchange of newsletters.

Our headquarters are in Johannesburg ,and regular meetings and demonstrations are held in a pleasant little hall in Edenvale.

Beefeater Series

This piece is a work in progress of a beefeater chopping some onions and tearing up (because, onions). My beefeaters series is my way of facing the bizarre traditions and rituals that are part of my British heritage. Beefeaters, to me, have become a tongue-in-cheek symbol of colonialism – they are the guards of all the so-called civilised, enlightened, proper, well-behaved ways of life. But they’re just smoke and mirror and beneath the facade of their ridiculous costumes, they’re just ordinary creatures of everyday habits.

This series is available at Out of the Cube online gallery.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Pretora, South Africa