My first NFT: Giddyup

Giddyup is my first NFT (Non-Fungible Token).

Wikipedia explains it as a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. 

Wikipedia Article

I am totally out of my depth here, and just like jumping on a horse (which I don’t do) – is quite the bumpy ride.

This piece is my first on Photoshop as well, I’ve learned how to use my Wacom tablet, and make my first patterns – I literally went crazy! I also learned that with different variants of pressure, the brushes that I made could be applied differently.

Giddyup being my first for a digital take on my screen-printing process, I thought having a fun poke at Circus/Entertainment park would be thoughtful seeing that I’ve not been able to be there for a long time. I can just image myself riding this horse into the pink clouds, and following the yellow sun rays out and about my garden.

I hope this piece brings you as much joy as it does me – and let us all go to the closest carnival as soon as possible; even if it is in our backyard with a fake horse.

If you are the owner of this NFT, you will be able to unlock hidden content in the form of animations and dual-use backgrounds for your Mobile, Tablet and Computer. Watch the upcoming month for a series of animated stop motion GIFs as your piece comes to life.

Ride on well!

P.s. If you’re still confused about what NFTs are…here is a podcast all about them! (Thanks Korien!) CLICK HERE

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